Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Okay, I am being kind of lazy, but I want to get up a post. This past week didn't offer anything specifically amazing to talk about, unfortunately. So I figure I'd reach into the bag of past awesome kid things and pull out one of the namesakes of this blog: bumper cars.

Bumper cars are awesome. Period. I love them and I wish they were always around. At my age (and height) I can typically barely fit into one, and I also typically get mild whiplash when slamming head on into someone else. But wow is it fun.

This photo is of two of my friends in a bumper car with a big rainbow "Peace" flag attached at a month-long outdoor carnival in the Plainpalais neighborhood of Geneva, Switzerland in December 2007. I'll assume this is like one of those snapshot photos you see in bad scary movies that is taken immediately prior to something terrible happening. And as you can tell from the look of mischievous terror on the face of the driver (I'll keep friends anonymous here :), this is clearly one millisecond prior to a horrifically awesome bumper car collision.

If only all cars came equipped with bumpers. Life would be infinitely better. And our necks would all be a little stronger.

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