Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ushering in summer with a spontaneous water balloon fight

I unfortunately do not have any photos of the first great Spontaneous Water Balloon Fight of Summer 2009 that took place two weeks ago, on Sunday April 26th. But nonetheless my descriptions here will act as a harbinger (I'm going to assume that word can be used in a positive sense, too) of many more glorious balloon battles to come in the next few months.
If anyone out there is looking to have a ton of totally unplanned, unbridled fun on a hot day, all it takes is $5, a Target store (or equivalent), and a functioning faucet. The key, though, is not to think about it; just GO. Go to the store and find a bag of water balloons (at least 200; you'd be surprised how quickly you go through them and how many break as you make them), bring them home, fill them up with water and stick 'em in a bucket, and go outside.
If you have friends in the area: entice them to come outside and leave a bag of water balloons near where they'll come out. This way, they have a chance to protect themselves as you pummel them with water balloons.
If this tactic is not available, simply call up a couple of friends and start throwing right in the middle of the street--the more innocent bystanders, the better. Trust me, as people walk by, you will feel the jealousy emanating from their old, bored souls as they break a little smile that screams of "god i wish i could just let go of all those god damn socially-constructed inhibitions and join in". And if you've made enough balloons, chances are a couple people will.

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