Monday, December 29, 2008

rocking the moving walkway

Here's another addition to the things-that-are-fun-but-not-acceptable-for-adults: walking the wrong way on a moving walkway (or escalator). I did not jump on the many, many opportunities I had to partake in such fun during my 9 hours waiting in the Detroit airport yesterday, but I probably should have. Unfortunately, it is a game that often leads to the annoying disruption of other people who are trying to get to their flights, thus making the term "childish" a bit more appropriate for the activity. But at the same time, if you are a Schadenfreudist (i think we all are to a certain degree), bothering people who are already teetering on the edge of insanity--i.e. most people in airports--can be fun, presuming, of course, that you don't get punched in the process.

I think in the future I will try to make regular posts whose theme revolves around an activity that you know you loved as a child and still (secretly) love today.

Today I also returned to working out in the weight room for the first time in over a year as I began to feel very very out of shape. It was the first time I do it at MIT... and, to my delight, even at MIT there are douche bags who constantly check themselves out flexing in the mirror and who scream wildly while lifting heavy objects and replacing them to their original location (my favorite, 100% accurate description of weightlifting and its absurdity when you really think about what you're doing). Maybe those guys are in Aeronautical Engineering and are required as part of their thesis defense to tow the spacecraft by hand to the launching pad. It's like World's Strongest Man, but to save humanity.

I know what you're thinking: World's Strongest Man does save humanity... from falling pianos and large stone continent replicas (picture needed!).

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